I am offering online classes on the body art of applying henna paste in floral and various designs called 'Mehndi or Mehandi' . We wanted to provide complete direct design concepts and safety tips concerning this ancient but ever popular art style. Call now to book a four hour class. CALL 313-HENNA-48 to book your private class.
PRICE: $50.00
TIME: 4 hours
What you need:
*Fresh Henna Design Paste from Artistic Adornment
* A PC, Laptop or Smart/phone that will allow you access to SKYPE @ AMINA DESIGNS
*Fresh Henna Design Paste from Artistic Adornment
* A PC, Laptop or Smart/phone that will allow you access to SKYPE @ AMINA DESIGNS
* You can use your own body to practice on but many like to have a model and learn together! ( If you bring a partner to class this $75.00 for both of you )
* Fresh Henna Mehndi Cone
Paper Towels, a Pen and Notebook to take notes
How; Call 313-HENNA-48 to book your class in the Ancient Art of Mehndi